Meet Deezy's Motley Crew
Meet Deezy, a 21 year-old Canadian girl who embodies the simple, easy, chill-out lifestyle. Tending her indoor garden, enjoying the flowers and free-thinking makes her day perfect. When everyone around her is too privileged, too intelligent, too dark or too successful, her down-to-earth humble vibe is a reminder that all we need is to "take it Deezy", touch grass, sing our song, and light up the fire of who we naturally are.
Meet Nipsta: he's Deezy's sweet pet companion. He spends most of his time hustling in the alleys... Meet the OGest boss of bosses, a wildly successful Catnip Kingpin building an underground empire across the city. Tough and street-smart, this Nip-Hop rapper's business acumen and purrsonality are second to none.
Meet Fiatta, curious to learn from her "weird bestie" Deezy. Coming from a universe of conform comfort and privilege, her passion is to get 'Liked' on socials, preferably involving some posh fashion, or a luxury shopping mall. Always up for a coffee discovering a new cafe, or for escargot in a 5-star restaurant.
Meet Mario, who should be Deezy's cuddly, plushy, loving teddy bear... except that he's not. He can be quite mean to her, but his sky-high IQ mostly brings enlightening conversations. An ex-hacker, a math genius and a bottomless pit of philosophical quotes, Mario's always around, 1337 days a year - brain or shine.
Meet Speed-Eye. Isn't it the cutest little baby flower sprout? No. It's a potty-mouthed potted punk pot plant. Its kick-ass attitude is the engine of its only ambition, which is to grow fast and "become the dollar".
Meet Sawadhi, "the Eternal Bud". For a mysterious reason, he was harvested years ago and never dried, then gained high consciousness. He's now an oracle of deep wisdom, and awkward insight about life - forever sitting on Deezy's new-agey altar of crystals.
Meet Gary, aka "Leisure Suit Gary". Womanizer extraordinaire, with galactic gallantry and crocodile shoes - he's now a respected relationship advisor. Came to Earth for clubbing and never left - the party never stops when you dance with the stars.
Meet Ome, Deezy's friend and the hermit farmer of a natural, remote off-grid homestead... with self-sufficient organic bio-dynamic permaculture, zero technology and a dark humor. Isn't "murdering kale plants and eating dead animals" a perfect dinner date?
Detective Toe
Meet Detective Toe, aka "Animal Shelter Agent # A1A", on the hunt for stray cats, dogs, hamsters, and boas. A fine strategist, a savvy calculator, the Animal Shelter's chief is the only one smart enough to attempt the capture of our nation's notorious Catnip Kingpin of the Alleys.
Meet Shila, the demanding, annoying boss at Deezy's work office. For her, every day is a military drill of perfectionist productivity. Her over-the-shoulder scrutiny is the reason why Deezy dreams of quitting the 9-to-5 grind for her 24/7 garden of Eden...